Monday, April 2, 2012

Looking forward and looking back...

It is hard to believe that just 14 weeks ago I sat in my friend Kaylee’s living room and tried to force her to take bump pictures with me. I was just 6 weeks along and her at the enviable 19 weeks mark and about to find out the sex of her baby, which seemed like an unreachable goal at the time. Sadly those pictures turned out awful, so no one will ever to see them. It was fun however to see her this weekend, in honor of her impending 28th Birthday, now with me at 19 weeks and her at 34 weeks. We have a lot more in common now with our bumps and pregnancy stories. It was really neat for me to get a glance into what will hopefully be my future and to get some much needed advice and reassurance that the fact I have NEVER changed a diaper will not make me the worst parent in the world (knock on wood).  While it is great to look forward, I also got a chance to look back last night. One of our really good friends let it slip that they too are expecting a new addition to their family (we are so excited for them). I had to laugh here I was again full circle, her being only 6 weeks and me at the knowledgeable 19 week mark and about to find out the sex of our baby. While every pregnancy is different all the fear and excitement are still the same and I do not envy her the next few weeks as she waits for that first appointment and the reassuring beat of a young heart.  I wish I could just let her know that it will all be alright and just to enjoy these new feelings, but of course there is no way to stop the constant fears and Google searches, which in turn cause more fear. Sadly just like all of us before her she will have to wait. I hope that I can be half as helpful as Kaylee has been to me in calming me down. It made me think back to those first weeks (torture) and all those happy and freak out moments. This is really the most amazing experience I have ever had and I wish I had the literary skills to express the depth of my feelings at each new step Brad and I take. After that first beautiful heartbeat, I feel like the time has just been flying by with no way for me to slow it down. So it was an amazing feeling to in just one day have the opportunity to not only see the future, but also to rejoice in someone else’s beginning , and looking back at my past.

1 comment:

  1. Co-
    I love this post. You are so sweet! You are right though, it is so nice to have someone to talk to. I had Jessica who was about 8 weeks ahead of me and I could pick her brain...I am glad I can do the same for you. It is such a weird/amazing experience. There is so much anticipation and fear, but it all is such a miracle. I don't think you ever stop worrying though, Nick and I were laughing last night that now we are worried Kasen won't make it to full just does not stop :) I love you girl and I know you will do a great job advising your friend who is 6 weeks :)
