Sunday, April 8, 2012

Its a Boy!!!

Little known fact.... our ultra sound technician told/showed us we were having a boy at our 12 week appointment. The first above picture is from our 12 week appointment and the second one is from our 20 week appointment. We didn't want to tell anyone because everything we read (on the internet) told us that at 12 weeks there was no way to know for sure the baby’s gender (false as we are living proof). Plus how bad would I have felt if it the technician had been mistaken and my poor daughter had to find out later that for the first 5 months of her life she had been a boy? Can you imagine the teasing? Not that Brad or I was ever able to seriously think that there was a chance that the little monkey was a girl after she said that though. The room was painted blue and Brad bought the baby's first football, so thank goodness she was right. Plus my parents both tell such horror stories about raising me that both Brad and I will be happy to have our first child be a boy. We have however, come to terms with that fact that this means one or both of us might/will get peed on. We have had to try and hide this knowledge from friends and family members until we were certian, which is hard with a blue baby room. Just another secret about being pregnant that I no longer have to keep. I'm pretty sure that we have reached the end of the secret part of pregnancy, which I for one do not mind! We even did our gender announcement this Friday with a ballon realease!

 I can't seem to stop myself I have already started clothes shopping and the baby room is already. His name is all picked out Rourke Patrick Venables aka Rory. Now we just have to wait 4 more months to meet the little guy... So happy that its a boy!

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