Thursday, July 26, 2012

35 weeks, 6 days

How far along? 35 weeks, 6 days
Maternity Clothes: Some non maternity shirts still fit but after I wear them they are never the same. But on a good note found a dress for my high school reunion!
Total weight gain: Official doctor scale 15.2 pounds
Stretch marks? Still nothing but I'm growing faster now
Sleep: The last few nights have been amazing! I think I'm getting the hang of sleeping with a towel on either side for belly support.
Best moment this week: My doctor appointment today and the baby shower at Brad's work. The doctor said everything is looking perfect and we now have everything for little Rory!
Miss Anything? feeling cold... I'm hot all the time now!
Movement: The poor guy is running out of room so his movement is a lot slower (and a lot more painful for me)
Food cravings: Ice Cream this week
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing (its been a great week)
Labor Signs: Nothing yet, but I was happy to hear he is still head down!
Symptoms: My stomach itches a lot from its constant growth and I definitely have back pain every day. Brad has been amazing with a back rub every night!
Belly Button in or out? Still just a rim but it looks out in tight clothing
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Really happy but I can and do loose my cool for no reason these days. I hate it cause its hard not to know your being an ass afterwards and then I feel awful.
Looking forward to: Completing the work on our downstairs flooring! I need/want the house to be perfect when Rourke gets here and I'm full term next week.

1 comment:

  1. What other foods are you craving? I want to make sure I have it when you stay here...granted I know we will be going out for meals, but at least for breakfast and lunch I can have your favorites :)
