How far
along? 34 weeks, 4 days
Clothes: I sadly out grew one of my maternity dresses yesterday... I went to change into it after the gym and couldn't zip it up. Good thing I had a cardigan.
weight gain: about 14 pounds
marks? none, but I thinking I'm starting to get the line down the center of my stomach... not a fan
My body pillow isn't working any more I've started to use rolled up towels to support the belly while I sleep. Its not really working.Best moment this week: Picking up the flooring for our down stairs! No more carpet!
Miss Anything? Being comfortable
Movement: We have had a lot of foot action this weekFood cravings: Cherries!!!!
making you queasy or sick: Strong smells and eating too much
Labor Signs: Nope but he is head down and only 2.5 weeks more to go until full term
the top of my belly hurts from time to time and too much sitting causes low back painBelly Button in or out? I would have thought it would have been out by now but it is still just a rim.
Wedding rings on
or off? On
Happy or
Moody most of the time: Happy but with a chance of tears for no reason
forward to: The back massage my husband promised me tonight!
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