Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have a bump

It happened today. I was at the gym when a old friend came up to me and asked "I don't want to be rude but are you pregnant?". I thought she had heard through the usual means of mutual friends or Facebook and couldn't think of why asking me was rude... until she touched my stomach (why do people do this?). I was in my spandex work out clothes and while yes, I did eat a lot on Super Bowl Sunday, it was by no means enough to warrant a fat comment two days later. The look on my face must have scared her because she immediately started to apologize. I corrected her saying that, yes, I was pregnant but I hadn't thought I had started to "show". She assured me that I was as we have been working out at the same time for a few months and she could see a difference. As I'm only 11 weeks now this was a bit concerning to me for a few reasons but I was also really pleased as it made my pregnancy seem even more real (I'm still having a hard time with the reality of it all).
My two concerns are that;
#1- I don't want to blow up like the Michelin Man. I know I'm going to get big, I'm the kinda girl who's feet swell up so much on airplanes that if I take my heels off I can't get them back on when the plane lands. Don't even get me started on hot summer days I swell up like a marshmallow on fire! Now imagine a 8 month pregnant me in August... no wait please don't there will be pictures soon enough. Any way there will be enough time for me to be big later isn't 11 weeks a little early to be showing?

#2- I haven't told my work. You see...
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is a United States federal law requiring covered employers to provide employees job-protected unpaid leave for qualified medical and family reasons.

This would be great if not for this tiny problem...
The federal FMLA does not apply to: workers in businesses with fewer than 50 employees.
My work only has about 35 employees and while I know my boss can't fire me for being pregnant, my fear is that he will find a way. The issue is that there is just no way my work can afford for me to be gone for that long and not replace me. While our plan is for me not to go back to work there, I still want to work up until the last few days. But there is no need for them to know that, right? If I start showing this early however, I won't be able to hide this much longer. So next week after our 12 week appointment I am going to have to say something to my boss, wish me luck... I'm going to need it.

So regardless of my future puffy-ness and possible joblessness, I guess have a bump!

                                                           ********Post Script********
NEVER ask a woman if she is pregnant based on her weight or possible baby bump. This girl was super lucky! If I had not been pregnant, I might have clawed her eyes out or more likely had to stay at the gym for another hour out of self consciousness.

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