Wednesday, February 15, 2012

12 Weeks 5 days

How far along? 12 weeks, 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: -6 lbs
Maternity clothes? I bought the most comfy maternity sweatshirt from target and I LOVE to wear it.

Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: like a rock and pop right up in the morning

Best moment this week: Brad getting to see our baby move at our Dr visit on Tuesday
Miss Anything? Shoping for clothes... kinda loses all the fun when you have no idea what size you are going to be this summer.
Movement: Sadly the Dr told me that I most likely won't feel the baby move until past 20 weeks do to where the baby is sitting.
Food cravings: Sweets.... I ate an entire plate of rice crispie treats yesterday
Anything making you queasy or sick: The Valentines Day Holiday, but nothing pregnancy related
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bump
Gender prediction: Forget everyone else I'm sticking with a BOY!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In (out=ewwwwww)
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: stir crazy I need a prodject

Looking forward to: installing the new floors in the baby room

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