Thursday, December 15, 2011

I found out today...

It is 4 am in the morning and I am wide awake.

Last night I finally broke down and took a pregnancy test that I had laying around... purchased as a joke from the Dollar Store. I was 3 days late on my period and I had been feeling queasy for a few days. But the flu was going around and I had been late before so no rush right? I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I had been waiting to take a test. Taking the test then was a stupid idea, it was already 9:30 pm at night and I had to work the next day. I just had this feeling and was tired of driving myself crazy waiting. When the positive line showed up, faint but there, I screamed. Just like I used to do with my girlfriends in middle school over celebrity crushes. In a fevered excitement I showed my husband my prize. He was playing Xbox and while he did pause the game (a big deal), he wasn't as convinced as I was. As he wisely pointed out this was a Dollar Store purchase and not the best medical tool. It was only after showing him a picture from my friend Jessica Picken's Facebook page of her positive Dollar Store tests that he looked at me and said, "I think you are pregnant"! So it was now 10 pm at night and I was bouncing off the walls. My poor mom had no idea why I felt the need to call her on a weeknight so late but I HAD to tell someone. Just like Brad she was happy but cautious and I kept her up for 45 minutes talking her ear off. After I got off the phone Brad suggested that I wait to take the EPT digital test in the morning just to be sure. I knew he was right but of course it was close to midnight before I fell asleep. At 3:30 am my eyes popped open (3:30 is morning right?) and I ran to the bathroom. I never knew how long two minutes could be but there it was all spelled out... "Pregnant"! I of course woke Brad up to tell him the wonderful news, I'm not sure he understood as he mumbled, "I knew that", and is still sound asleep. I hate not being able to shout to the world about this but I did cheat and send a picture of the positive test to my friend Kaylee who is currently 18 weeks along with her first child.

I have so many questions, concerns, ideas, joyous thoughts, and fears... but now it is just a waiting game. According to my frenzied google searches I am just four weeks along and will be due August 20. There is still allot that can happen but all I know is that I found out today that I'm Pregnant!!!!!!

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