Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Baby #3 26 weeks

Due Date October 17
How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 4 pounds and feeling pretty good about that
Maternity clothes? I love being pregnant during the summer dresses are the best short ones are shirts and maxi dresses stretch
Stretch marks? none that I can see but the third trimester looms
Sleep: Rolling over is a little harder but we went camping this last weekend and I managed an air mattress
Best moment this week: Our first family camping trip just us. So much fun but no more camping until baby gets here.

Miss Anything? Social drinking. with the 4th of july and a camping trip under my belt this last week it would have been nice 
Movement: I felt a foot seriously... knew it was a foot
Food cravings: Cherries, red cherries
Anything making you queasy or sick: nothing food related but come on world get it together 
Have you started to show yet: loving my bump while its still sweet as I know I'll have my own orbit soon
Gender prediction: ugh now everyone is back at girl lol 
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks like no ones business
Belly Button in or out? in(ish)
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: I'm on cloud nine with house reno getting under way and my photography business booming its all coming up Colleen.
Looking forward to:  The third trimester (next week) means more dr visits and baby prep. This pregnancy is flying by

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