Friday, May 18, 2018

Telling Daddy

We were trying since July 2018 for #3 ( it needs a nick name). We got a positive test in August but lost the baby the next day so I'm not sure what happened. But regardless after 7 long months, 4 days of thinking my period would come any day as it certainly felt like it, and being one day late I took an a pregnancy test just because I couldn't help it. It got the faint double line almost instantly, which is odd as all my other pregnancies took between 3-7 days late to test positive. I was in shock and took two more which both positive. I was so excited but as this is our last baby I wanted to tell brad in a fun way, so I kept my mouth shut. I got the positive Wednesday, February 7, and didn't tell him until Saturday, February, 10. See the below pictures for his reaction!

Baby #3 18 weeks

Due Date October 17
How far along? 18 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: -6 pounds and growing
Maternity clothes? I have started missing them in but they are loose
Stretch marks? on goodness please no
Sleep: like a log and I wake up to tiny baby kicks I love this time in pregnancy 
Best moment this week: Brad feeling the little bean kick for the first time
Miss Anything? my normal appetite... I feel like I'm the hungry caterpillar this week. I'm never full  
Movement: The kicks can be felt on the outside now and the heart beat found easily on the Doppler
Food cravings: Just food everything and anything! This is a problem
Anything making you queasy or sick: No I've been luck again
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeah! But its still at the cute stage like how I looked at 28 weeks with the other two (crying)
Gender prediction: I can still wear normal pants so I'm carrying this sweet potatoe high. That says boy to me.
Labor Signs: I think I'm starting to feel Braxton hicks a little after work outs
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? still loose from all the weight loss
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week I've had a ton of energy and have been rocking it
Looking forward to:  Still this  -> The 20 week ultra sound. We didn't do a real 12 week so it will be nice to know that the baby is healthy and to make some decisions about where he or she will be born. I don't feel like I can relax until this happens. June 6th baby!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Baby #3 16 weeks

Due Date October 17
How far along? 16 weeks 4 days

Total weight gain/loss: -7 pounds looks like the number is starting to climb
Maternity clothes? I can swing both but still in normal jeans
Stretch marks? none to be found
Sleep: I sleep the sleep of a parent
Best moment this week: hearing the heart beat at the 16 week appointment 
Miss Anything? This week it was beer only because I got to go to a Mariners game and we had a suite (all the beer you could drink) and only Seattle tap water (which tastes awful) 
Movement: I can definitely feel this little one dancing around
Food cravings: Diet soda weirdly which I'm trying to avoid 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Ironically beer which is a good thing
Have you started to show yet: Yup people can officially tell by just looking at me
Gender prediction: I'm thinking a boy but a sister for Rowan would be nice. Though Rowan has changed her vote to boy.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? still loose from all the weight loss
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think my kids would vote moody
Looking forward to:  The 20 week ultra sound. We didn't do a real 12 week so it will be nice to know that the baby is healthy and to make some decisions about where he or she will be born.