How far along? 37 weeks, 6 days
Maternity Clothes: If it is not a maxi dress or maternity dress, I'm not wearing it. She is so low that any kind of pants are uncomfortable. Total weight gain: 25 pounds!! For not ever having the energy to work out I'm pretty proud of this. I worked out every day I was prego with Rourke and I'm still at the same weight I was when I was 37 weeks along with our oldest monster. Just not in shape...
Stretch marks? None! But the true test will be after I have her is any appear...
Sleep: I wake up about three times a night to pee... then Rourke waked up at 6:30 every morning.
Best moment this week: Hitting the 37 week mark for sure! I can have my midwife/water birth now. Well that is if we make it to Everett aka the Birth Center before our little miss comes.
Miss Anything? Sleep... but I have this weord feeling that even after she comes that I won't be getting that back.
Movement: She has really slowed down but when she does move it is in a big way. I think she is running out of room in there,
Food cravings: Still icecream and candy, grrrrr
Anything making you queasy or sick: No not really any more, the heart burn has gotten so much better
Labor Signs: Random stupid contractions, cramping, baby has dropped, Braxton hicks.... yeah they are all there
Symptoms: Nope actually feeling pretty great, forgot I kind of don't mind being pregnant. Maybe we will have three...
Belly Button in or out? Oh it is out!
Wedding rings on or off? I need to put it on so I'm wearing it during her birth but it is a little tight
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but I can turn into a real... well not nice person at the drop of a hat.
Looking forward to: This Sunday I'm having a "go into labor day" aka a girls day this time as I'm not getting the acupuncture or medical massage. Just a long walk, foot massage, and some spicy Tai food. Who knows with the full moon on Monday maybe I'll get my 9-9-2014 baby ;)