Saturday, September 6, 2014

37 weeks 6 days

How far along? 37 weeks, 6 days
Maternity Clothes: If it is not a maxi dress or maternity dress, I'm not wearing it. She is so low that any kind of pants are uncomfortable.
Total weight gain: 25 pounds!! For not ever having the energy to work out I'm pretty proud of this. I worked out every day I was prego with Rourke and I'm still at the same weight I was when I was 37 weeks along with our oldest monster. Just not in shape...
Stretch marks? None! But the true test will be after I have her is any appear...
Sleep:  I wake up about three times a night to pee... then Rourke waked up at 6:30 every morning.
Best moment this week: Hitting the 37 week mark for sure! I can have my midwife/water birth now. Well that is if we make it to Everett aka the Birth Center before our little miss comes.
Miss Anything? Sleep... but I have this weord feeling that even after she comes that I won't be getting that back.
Movement:  She has really slowed down but when she does move it is in a big way. I think she is running out of room in there,
Food cravings: Still icecream and candy, grrrrr
Anything making you queasy or sick: No not really any more, the heart burn has gotten so much better
Labor Signs: Random stupid contractions, cramping, baby has dropped, Braxton hicks.... yeah they are all there
Symptoms: Nope actually feeling pretty great, forgot I kind of don't mind being pregnant. Maybe we will have three...
Belly Button in or out? Oh it is out! 
Wedding rings on or off? I need to put it on so I'm wearing it during her birth but it is a little tight
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but I can turn into a real... well not nice person at the drop of a hat.
Looking forward to: This Sunday I'm having a "go into labor day" aka a girls day this time as I'm not getting the acupuncture or medical massage. Just a long walk, foot massage, and some spicy Tai food. Who knows with the full  moon on Monday maybe I'll get my 9-9-2014 baby ;)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

36 weeks 4 days

How far along? 36  weeks, 4 days
Maternity Clothes: rocking the maxi dresses
Total weight gain:  24 pounds and holding strong
Stretch marks?  If I don't swell then I should be good
Sleep: Amazing!! I'm so tired at night I sleep through everything

Best moment this week:  getting our family pictures back and finishing with work
Miss Anything?  Not being huge but also beer

Movement: lots of hiccups and big movements but slowing down
Food cravings:  chocolate
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!!! Been two weeks since I've  had to be sick
Labor Signs: no just Braxton hicks
Symptoms:  Pain if I sit too long

Belly Button in or out?  out like a turkey timer
Wedding rings on or off?  still fits
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! We are ready!
Looking forward to:  Being done with work! Today is my last day and then it is just sit back and wait.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

34 weeks 3 days

How far along? 34 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: 154- 24 pounds, ironically I weigh as much as I did with Rourke by this stage. I just started this pregnancy out thinner. If I can stay under 160 I'll be one happy girl.
Maternity clothes? It is not pretty if I try non maternity pants or shirts 
 Stretch marks? Still rocking the no stretch marks
Sleep: Like a log! After running around chasing Rourke all day I sleep pretty soundly
Best moment this week: Going to Idaho and seeing my Mahoney family and of course my Mom's visit
Miss Anything? Not having a headache
Movement: We see whole body parts daily and it kind of hurts
Food cravings:  Sour stuff
Anything making you queasy or sick: If I eat too much too fast
Have you started to show yet: I'm basically a whale
Gender: Soooooo much pink!
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions  and cramping
Belly Button in or out? Out... I hope it goes back in
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody... poor Brad
Looking forward to: My last photography job this weekend and hearing her heart beat tomorrow

Monday, July 21, 2014

31 Weeks 2 days

How far along? 31 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss:  20 pounds... girls suck
Maternity clothes? I can still rock my maxi dresses but everything else is maternity 
 Stretch marks? Nope and proud of it
Sleep: Rowan gets the hiccups every morning but other than that great 
Best moment this week: My mom and brother visiting
Miss Anything? Not being asked, "When are you due?"
Movement: we saw a foot yesterday
Food cravings:  Watermelon
Anything making you queasy or sick: lucky me this time around I'm getting heartburn so bad that I throw up.
Have you started to show yet: size of a pumpkin
Gender: I'm going a bit crazy with all my girl stuff
Labor Signs: Braxton hicks contractions
Belly Button in or out? It has started to really pop out
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, I'm trying to enjoy this last bit of time with our family of three
Looking forward to: my Dr apt  and my every other week apt
a little delayed as I'm 8 months today :)

Monday, June 30, 2014

28 weeks 1 day

How far along? 28 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss:  16 pounds (holding strong!!!)
Maternity clothes? Who knew Ross had maternity clothes??? Now I just need new bras...
 Stretch marks? looking like I'll avoid it this time as well (knock on wood)
Sleep: She wakes me up at 6 AM every morning
Best moment this week: going on my first prego happy hour with a best friend who has been wanting to get pregnant.
Miss Anything? being able to stand up or bend down with ease
Movement: Yeah!!! She flipped head down so now she is off my bladder
Food cravings:  nothing, I hate food
Anything making you queasy or sick: anything and everything this week... I thought morning sickness was a first tri thing?
Have you started to show yet: getting bigger by the day
Gender: Girl... so much pink
Labor Signs: I had my first Braxton hicks contractions the other day
Belly Button in or out? about 1/2 and 1/2
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but tired
Looking forward to: finishing her room... I need to get on that

Thursday, June 19, 2014

26 weeks 5 days

How far along? 26 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss:  16 pounds
Maternity clothes? she is way too low for anything else
 Stretch marks? Not yet....
Sleep: I'm finally sleeping through the night again!!
Best moment this week: realizing I have less than 100 days left! 
Miss Anything? My ankles being their normal size
Movement: Yes, very low on my bladder
Food cravings:  Candy Candy and more candy
Anything making you queasy or sick: the food at my work still
Have you started to show yet: nice and round now
Gender: Girl and I'm a tu-tu making machine
Labor Signs: Still getting dizzy
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired but happy trying to enjoy what might be my last pregnancy
Looking forward to: The third trimester getting to the final stretch

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

23 weeks 4 days

How far along? 23 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss:  15 pounds
Maternity clothes? she is way too low for anything else
 Stretch marks? Not yet....
Sleep: If I'm not camping then great
Best moment this week: Sleeping in my own bed after camping last weekend
Miss Anything? buying cute clothes for summer.
Movement: All the time now, so much more than Rourke
Food cravings: Anything and everything, I'm always hungry
Anything making you queasy or sick: no been pretty good recently
Have you started to show yet: yes indeed
Gender: So excited for the little girl clothes soooo cute
Labor Signs: Still getting dizzy
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: a little of both I have no control
Looking forward to: Trading Rourke's old clothes for a girls wardrobe

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

21 weeks 3 days

How far along? 21 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss:  +12 pounds (eeekkk)
Maternity clothes? Yes, indeed but the warmer weather in coming so bring on the dresses
 Stretch marks? Not yet....
Sleep: I go to bed so beyond tired but wake up at 6 AM on the dot
Best moment this week: Realizing that we are already completely ready for her 
Miss Anything? Social drinking and being skinny, my good friend had a birthday party and I was the sober fat girl
Movement: All the time now, so much more than Rourke
Food cravings: Ice cream, chocolate, cookies, lemon bars.... you get the idea
Anything making you queasy or sick: Eating too much at once
Have you started to show yet: Yup, it is official at a little over half way you can tell I'm pregnant
Gender: Found out we are having a GIRL!!! So the prediction at 13 weeks was right again! Rowan Margaret Emily Venables!
Labor Signs: none. But I do get dizzy if I don't drink enough water
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: I think Brad would say moody, his parents are coming to visit and I have been trying to clean, take care of a 1 year old, and grow this lil girl
Looking forward to: Visiting my Mom on Thursday! Rourke and I are going on a plane!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

19 weeks 6 days

How far along? 19 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss:  10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yup, she is a lot lower than Rourke was
 Stretch marks? Not yet but I'm going to be bigger this time so time will tell
Sleep: My dreams are getting a little crazy but still getting up once a night
Best moment this week: Rourke moved to his big boy room and I set up a pink nursery!
Miss Anything? Wine. We have been doing a lot of wine tasting at work.
Movement: Brad got to feel her last night!
Food cravings: Sweets... and more sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: Lucky me I'm out of that stage
Have you started to show yet: I think I'm out of the "she could just be fat" stage and people know I'm pregnant
Gender: Found out we are having a GIRL!!! So the prediction at 13 weeks was right again! Rowan Margaret Emily Venables!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, I'm getting my girl and one of my best friends just found out she is expecting!
Looking forward to: Shopping for little girl clothes (so much cuter than boy clothes)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

16 weeks 5 days

How far along? 16 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss:  7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Mixing a few in here and there but it is getting bad with pants. Thank goodness Kate and Megan lent me there maternity clothes.
 Stretch marks? Nope I hope to avoid them this time too
Sleep: Only getting up once a night!
Best moment this week: My Mom visiting I got to take a few naps and she helped us take our gender photos
Miss Anything? Wine. We have been doing a lot of wine tasting at work.
Movement: A few big kicks and flutters!
Food cravings: Ice cream and chocolate, darn you Easter!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope feeling good again
Have you started to show yet: Had my first stranger ask me when I was due :(
Gender prediction: I'm thinking girl but Rourke wants a brother
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, I love being pregnant
Looking forward to: Hearing our new little next week!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

13 weeks 3 days

How far along? 13 weeks, 3 days. My new official due date is September 21, 2014.

Total weight gain/loss:  still at 5 pounds

Maternity clothes? Not yet be I’m thinking before the month is out

 Stretch marks? Nope I hope to avoid them this time too

Sleep: other than the peeing at night great

Best moment this week: Seeing our little one on Friday and finding out that they are perfect

Miss Anything? Beer… missed another St Patrick’s Day

Movement: Yes little flutters

Food cravings: sweets, sugar, chocolate

Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of my work weirdly

Have you started to show yet: oh yes

Gender prediction: I’m thinking girl now

Labor Signs: none

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickel allergy is back

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited,

Looking forward to: Painting Rourke’s big boy room, he won’t move in until July but I’m having a lot of fun with it.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

11 weeks (we think)

How far along? 11 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss:  5 pounds
Maternity clothes? I have unpacked them but thankfully not yet
 Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I take at least one nap a day
Best moment this week: Scheduling my 12 week ultrasound (St Paddy's Day)
Miss Anything? Buying clothes shopping is depressing
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: sweets... hence the 5 pounds

Anything making you queasy or sick: the smell of my work weirdly
Have you started to show yet: If I get asked if I'm having twins one more time....
Gender prediction: Still boy, hopefully we find out soon
Labor Signs: I am still cramping which I find annoying
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickle allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Nervous, no idea why. You would think the second time would be easier.

Looking forward to: My Midwife appt on Tuesday... We only saw the heart beat last time, I should be able to hear it.

Friday, February 21, 2014

6 weeks

How far along? 6 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss:  this time I'm starting out much lighter 125 lbs
Maternity clothes? thank goodness not yet
 Stretch marks? No
Sleep: can't sleep in past 5 am
Best moment this week: Meeting our midwives, so excited to not be going to a hospital this time.
Miss Anything? Beer!!! We are planning the Seahawks first Superbowl since 2006 and I get to be sober.
Movement: Way too early
Food cravings: None

Anything making you queasy or sick: cooking food and if I let myself get too hungry
Have you started to show yet: sadly yes... there had better be only one baby in there
Gender prediction: Boy, my body has proven how great we are at making those
Labor Signs: I am still cramping which I find annoying
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? Off my nickle allergy is back
Happy or Moody most of the time: Tired!!!  I have no idea how I'm going to have a two year old and a new born.

Looking forward to: Hearing the babie's heart beat on Monday, February 3, and the Super Bowl on the 2!!! Go Hawks!

Happy New Year!! Here we go again...

(the above is what Brad came home to)


How many pregnancy tests would it take to convince you that you are indeed pregnant? The answer for me this time around was 7.  In my defense a few of them came out negative at first so it was confusing. But here I sit three days late with 6 positive pregnancy tests and a lot-a-bit in shock. On my 30th Birthday, Brad and I decided to "pull the goalie", knowing that it took several heart breaking months to finally learn that Rourke would be joining our family. But after a crazy New Year’s Eve with Nick and Natasha, here we go again!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

8 weeks

(side note i now have two due dates #1 9/17/14 (LMC) #2 9/28/14 (ultrasound) we shall see)
How far along? 8 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 0 lbs
Maternity clothes? getting close..  kinda crazy how fast this bump is growing

Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: back to normal finally

Best moment this week: letting everyone know #2 is on the way
Miss Anything? being able to take headache medications.
Movement: too early but getting closer
Food cravings: sushi (weird)
Anything making you queasy or sick: The Valentines Day Holiday, but nothing pregnancy related
Have you started to show yet: Just a little bump
Gender prediction: my new due days move the chinese gender calender to girl but I'm still thinking a boy
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? off because of my nickle allergy
Happy or Moody most of the time: excited to be getting my energy back

Looking forward to: enjoying this pregnancy